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Modulation of the control of muscle sympathetic nerve activity during incremental leg cycling.
Journal of Physiology, 586: 2753-2766, 2008. - Saito M, Hachiya T and Iwase S
Resistance exercise training enhances sympathetic nerve activity during fatigue-induced isometric handgrip trials.
European Journal of Applied Physiology, in press. - Sato K, A. Hirasawa N, Tsunoda Y, Taniguchi Y, Sadamoto T
Cerebrovascular response during heavy upper body exercise: effect of mode of ventilation on blood flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, (in press). - Yoshizawa M, Shimizu-Okuyama S, Kagaya A
Transient increase in femoral arterial blood flow to the contralateral non-exercising limb during one-legged exercise.
European Journal of Applied Physiology, 103: 509-514, 2008 - Ueda C, Kagaya A
Muscle reoxygenation difference between superficial and deep regions of the muscles during static knee extension.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, in press. - Kagaya A, Yoshizawa M, Maeda S, Tanaka H
Comments on point: counterpoint: exercise training does/does not induce vascular adaptations beyond the active muscle beds.
Journal of Applied Physiology, 105: 1009-1010, 2008. - Kagaya A, Ohmori F, Okuyama S, Muraoka Y, Sato K
Blood flow and arterial vessel diameter change during graded handgrip exercise in dominant and non-dominant forearms of tennis players.
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, in press. - 岩館雅子,定本朋子
(印刷中). - Sadamoto T, Moriyama M, Sato K
Cortical tissue oxygenation during static handgrip exercise and postexercise muscle ischemia.
Journal of Exercise Science, 17: 1-11, 2007. - Sato K, Sadamoto T
Internal carotid artery blood flow and cerebrobascular resistance during dynamic exercise.
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Auxiliary Muscles and Slow Component during Rowing International Journal of Sports Medicine 2008; 29: 823?832 - Osada T, Nagata H, Murase N, Shimomura K, Kime R, Shiroishi K, Nakagawa N, Katsumura
Relationship of hemodynamics among upper abdominal aorta and femoral arteries: basis for measurement of arterial blood flow to abdominal-pelvic organs.
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Femoral artery blood flow and its relationship to spontaneous fluctuations in rhythmic thigh muscle workload.
Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging (in press) - Shibuya K, Ueda C, Sato K, Shimizu-Okuyama S, Saito M, Kagaya A, Kamo M, Osada T, Sadamoto
Perceived exertion is not necessarily associated with altered brain activity during exercise.
Journal of Physiological Anthropology (in press)
- 定本朋子,佐藤耕平
身体トレーニングの科学 Section10 トレーニングと循環.トレーニングと血流量 (宮村実晴編),
真興交易医書出版部,東京 印刷中.
- 斉藤 満
第59回日本体育学会.東京. 2008. - 斉藤 満、定本朋子
第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008. - 高石鉄雄、對馬明、植屋節子、島典広、小原史朗、斉藤 満
第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008. - 片山敬章、石田浩司、斉藤 満
第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008. - 大森 芙美子,佐藤耕平,奥山静代,加賀谷淳子
第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008. - 佐藤耕平, 上田千穂子, 澁谷顕一, 奥山靜代, 加茂美冬, 長田卓也, 斉藤 満, 加賀谷淳子,
第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008. - 佐藤耕平, 定本朋子
第16回日本運動生理学会. 奈良. 2008. - 佐藤耕平, 平澤 愛, 角田直也, 谷口有子, 定本朋子
第59回日本体育学会. 東京. 2008. - 定本朋子,佐藤耕平,
第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008. - 奥山靜代,大森芙美子,佐藤耕平,加賀谷淳子
第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008. - 加茂美冬
第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008. - 上田千穂子,加賀谷淳子
第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008. - 澁谷顕一、上田千穂子、佐藤耕平、奥山靜代、斉藤満、加賀谷淳子、加茂美冬、長田卓也、定本朋子
第63回日本体力医学会.大分,2008. - 大森芙美子,佐藤耕平,奥山静代,加賀谷淳子
第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008. - 小田俊明,姫野龍太郎,大森芙美子,森 曜生,水村真由美、加賀谷淳子
第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008. - 平澤 愛, 佐藤耕平, 山本幸弘, 定本朋子
第63回日本体力医学会. 大分. 2008. - 大森芙美子,奥山靜代,村岡慈歩,森曜生,鈴木早紀子,水村真由美,加賀谷淳子
第15回医用近赤外線分光法研究会. 東京. 2008. - 加賀谷淳子
人の身体運動解明へのチャレンジ -運動時の循環調節研究から-.
運動と循環研究会. 東京. 2008. - 加賀谷淳子
日本学術会議健康・生活科学委員会 健康・スポーツ科学分科会、健康・スポーツ科学関連学術連合(仮称)共催. 2008. - 加賀谷淳子
第7回ヘルスケアソルーション研究会. 2008. - 加賀谷淳子
第19回日本臨床スポーツ医学会学術集会.千葉. 2008. - Saito M, Hachiya T
The effects of resistance training on sympathetic neural activity response during fatiguing static handgrip exercise.
13th European College of Sport Science, Estoril, Portugal. 2008. - Sato K, Sadamoto T
Cerebral blood flow responses in internal carotid and vertebral artery during dynamic exercise.
13th European College of Sport Science, Estoril, Portugal. 2008. - Sato K, Hirasawa A, Sadamoto T
Cerebrovascular response during heavy upper body exercise: effect of mode of ventilation on blood flow velocity in the middle cerebral artery.
The 36th Annual conference international society on oxygen transport to tissue. Sapporo, Japan. 2008. - Kagaya A, Ohmori F, Okuyama S, Muraoka Y, Sato K
Blood flow and arterial vessel diameter change during graded handgrip exercise in dominant and non-dominant forearms of tennis players.
36th Annual Meeting of International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue, Sapporo. Japan. 2008. - Sadamoto T, Sato K, Hirasawa A, Yamamoto Y
Different flow responses of renal and splanchnic arteries during Dynamic exercise.
13th European College of Sport Science, Estoril, Portugal. 2008. - Kamo M Morimoto S
Changes in force output of human muscle fibers during repetitive activation at physiological rates
13th European College of Sport Science, Estoril, Portugal. 2008. - Ueda C, Kamo M, Saito M, Kagaya A, Osada T, Sato K, Shibuya K, Okuyama S, Sadamoto
Effect of tendon vibration during submaximal static elbow flexion exercise on muscle oxygenation.
13th European College of Sport Science, Estoril, Portugal. 2008. - Ueda C, Kagaya A
Muscle reoxygenation difference between superficial and deep regions of the muscles during static knee extension.
36th Annual Meeting of International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue, Sapporo. Japan. 2008. - Shibuya K, Iwadate M, Sadamoto T
Reduced contribution of the ipsilateral primary motor cortex to force modulation with habituation for exercise in humans: An NIRS study.
Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C., USA. 2008. - Kagaya A, Ohmori F, Okuyama S, Muraoka Y, Sato K
Blood flow and arterial vessel diameter change during graded handgrip exercise in dominant and non-dominant forearms of tennis players.
36th Annual Meeting of International Society on Oxygen Transport to Tissue, Sapporo. Japan. 2008.
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